Join the LXDE Community
Join the LXDE community and become part of an exciting project. The LXDE team welcomes contributors and supporters to the project! Become a developer, a documentation writer, packaging maintainer, tester, user supporter, blogger, journalist writing about LXDE or organize events and present LXDE. Join and help us to develop the fastest and most engery efficient system and get it out to everyone. Please, see the following for some ideas. We are looking forward to keeping in touch with you.
Get LXDE and try it out
The first step of joining is always to download the software and try it out.
Users are not only consumer. We believe users can be valuable contributors by using and testing LXDE and by offering their feedback. We invite you to test components from LXDE repositories for bugs. Please check out the bug tracking system at GitHub and start testing LXDE.
Translate LXDE and the projects documentation
Do you speak more than one language? LXDE is 100% volunteer translated, which means you can be part of the LXDE translation project translating the software and documentation thousands of people will use. Please visit the links below for detailed information:
An easy way to join translation is also to start translating wiki pages. Check out the wiki in your language at our wiki. If your language is not listed yet and you would like to be a maintainer of wiki content, please contact us us and we will set up a wiki in your language.
Become a Developer and Submit Patches/Code Contributions
LXDE is a Free and Open Source project started in Taiwan in 2005 with the publication of the first component PCManFM. We are excited to join up and work together with people from all over the world. If you see a bug in the bug-tracker that you can fix, let us know and then go for it! Most of the information you need to checkout LXDE is on our GitHub pages.
Our source code repository can be found on GitHub:
Also, if you use IRC, you can join the chatroom at
Become a LXDE Designer
Open Source means everyone can get involved - not only developers. Check out the LXDE design and join us at the LXDE Design Project.
Read the blogs, check out the wiki, support users in the forums
LXDE blogs are written by developers, contributors, volunteers, and staff of companies supporting LXDE — stay up on LXDE related progress and news and start to get involved. For example on our wiki we are putting together a resource with solutions to common problems, how-to’s, and other helpful information. Check out the resources on the LXDE websites and start contributing yourself:
Subscribe to a LXDE Mailing List
Please subscribe to an LXDE mailing list, influence future development by participating in discussions and get updates on LXDE projects. We are currently offering the following lists:
Promote LXDE
Write about LXDE, publish photos, videos or any media you can think of. LXDE performs well on energy saving computers such as mobile devices and other low powered devices. Not everyone knows about this. LXDE is useful and can help many people in their lives. Support the community and promote LXDE. Write about LXDE on your blog, in forums, in your local community zine, in newspapers or simply tell others about it.
Support LXDE at Community Events
Set up a booth or a table about LXDE at open source community events! There are many events of the open source community all over the world. The core team of LXDE is simply not able to attend all events. You can support the cause of LXDE by making the project visible. Register as a member of the LXDE community at events, set up a LXDE info point and showcase LXDE.